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GULLS Vulnerability Survey
GLORIA sprang from a larger, earlier project, GULLS (Global Understanding and Learning for Local Solutions) - described in more detail at http://www.marinehotspots.org/index.php/featured-projects/gulls.
GULLS carried out a comparison of vulnerabilities across selected ocean hotspots and explored their implications for adaptation to global change.
This vulnerability analysis included a detailed community survey, carried out in different Southern Hemisphere countries potentially affected by
marine hotspots:
Australia, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Solomon Islands and South Africa.
Marine hotspots are regions where the oceans are warming faster than the global average, and where ecosystems are already showing signs of change. Countries potentially affected by this rapid warming include developed and developing countries and range from tropical to polar regions. The hotspots are natural laboratories for understanding climate change impacts on marine living resources and the communities that depend on them. CLOSE
Download the GULLS Community Survey (PDF, 670 KB).